Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Knot your typical blog...maybe knot your typical principal.

At the end of every morning announcements, I set up and send out the cheer for the day.
Mr. Maurer:  "Every day is what you make it."
All of Eastern Elementary School: "Make it a great day!  Yahoooooooo!"

And, at the end of every morning announcements, I ask the students who have come in to help with the Pledge of Allegiance for the morning announcements to pick me out a tie off of an ever changing collection of ties.  Some are cartoons.  Some are landmarks.  Some are from NASA.  Some are created by kids.  Some have pictures of my own kids.  Some have pictures of food on them.  And, some have stains left on them from food.  Some are...well, I'm not sure what that one from Cleveland, Ohio is actually of.  Some are from garage sales bought with a handful of change.  Some were brought back to me from the nation's capital.  All are special.  All help create the image of me.

I tell them to take a look at what I am wearing and pick out one that will match.  They always pick out a winner, and it might even match, too.  And, when they see me in it they beam!  "I picked that out," you might hear several whisper.

If a student wears a collar on their shirt, they are welcomed to come down and pick out a tie to wear on that day.  They know my rules. "When using the restroom or eating lunch, the tie goes over your shoulder."  They giggle.  Ok, so do I.

Over, under, over, wrapping around.  Take the fat side up through the neck hole and then through the loop.  Bring it down tight and push up on the knot.  Position it.  Position it again.  Check it out.  Smile.  Those kids are making you look good today!

Now, let's go see what we can find!  The Principal's Tie Rack provides me with at least one great surprise everyday.  The kids, parents, teachers, and staff provide the rest.  Everyday is a mixture of unplanned adventures and a few scheduled occurences.  Simply, every day is what YOU make it.  (You) Make it a great day!

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